Now here's my problem. It's a 15-30 week course & it demands that you follow it to the letter. I have no probs with following the techniques but the diet seems a little questionable.
It only allows me to eat Eggs, Red Meat & Veg/Salad. Which sounds great but when it talks about 16 eggs per day, it sounds like some sort of cholesterol nutters nightmare.
Basically, my current body type is very thin/athletic (so thin, i could sometimes be a body double for Skeletor). I'm a 36yrs old, 5'6" tall male who's primarily used to cardiovascular & catabolic workouts.
My Question is....... The fitness programme basically says that i can't have any supplements and my body will draw enough micronutrients & proteins from the masses of red meat & eggs that i'll be eating. The author doesn't base this on any scientific evidence, just purely on the fact that he didn't use any supplements himself & it worked for him.
However, i'm mindful that whilst it's lean-muscle mass i'm going for, i am also very thin. Now, I have a large bag of Critical Mass High Potency Weight Gain powder (by Applied Nutrician) , some L-Glutamine, Creatine Monohydrate & the Natabolic Stack set (LG Sciences) to help my testosternone production because i'm practically an old codger smile I bought all of those just before i started out on this Hollywood Physique programme because i wanted to ensure that i put on muscle mass. The programme makes it look as though i'll be doomed if i use these supplements.
In your opinion, although the programme states that i shouldn't use them, do you think the use of the weight gain protein powder & creatine will help me to build lean-msucle mass or should i stay away from these supplements?
Answer: There is no need for fitness suppliments. fresh vegatable, fruit , milk and meat give your body all it needs. Of cause, excersise and fresh air is good. All other suppliments help you loose money. They are all, without exception. scams... save your money and eat natural REAL food. eat nature's food, breath nature's air and get off your fat *** and excersise. It really is that easy.
Protein supplements also helpful for good health today’s protein supplements available in various forms like, Powder, drinks etc. But before taking anything you should take advice from your physician.